Andrews University Listed On Critical Race Training Website

Andrews University, searching for some sort of identity after years of drifting from Seventh-day Adventist doctrinal distinctives seems to have found it in social justice causes ie. Critical Race Theory.

According to the website Critical Race Training,

The President [Andrea Luxton] has released extensive letters to students and faculty detailing her desire to commit the university to anti-racism, equity, recognizing unconscious bias, and defeating systemic racism. She offered a list of resources calling for reparations, promoting the 1619 Project, and supporting anti-racism videos for children. Andrews University requires “cultural diversity training” for its students and faculty.

Requiring (or mandating) cultural diversity training is a way for colleges to indoctrinate students into Critical Race Theory. And that’s precisely what Andrews is doing.

Critical race theory’s defenders insist that it’s an academic movement, that its proponents are experts, and that it just wants to discuss its ideas, but it operates like a theocracy, silencing and suppressing opponents, critics, and even insufficiently radical supporters. Its entire rationale is built on denying that anyone can legitimately disagree with it or that debate is even possible. A movement that dismisses reason and objectivity as forms of oppressive whiteness has no interest in dialogue, only in terrorizing its way to power as racial revolutionaries seek to do.

The truly dangerous part of this equation is that the focus of discrimination has moved from actions to thoughts. Critical race theory is being imposed on everyone from schoolchildren to soldiers because civil rights violations had been redefined from the physical to the mental. Civil rights is no longer fighting separate drinking fountains, but unconscious and implicit biases.

When the government tells you what to do, it risks becoming a tyranny, but when it starts telling you what to think, it becomes a theocracy. Critical Race Theory, like most of America’s experiments in the secular theocracy of political correctness, came out of academia whose experts have failed miserably when it comes to tangible improvement, but excel at telling people what to think.

The tools of their trade are cultural Marxist books and ideas, and their venerated prophets are Robin DiAngelo, Ibram X. Kendi, David Roediger, Carol Anderson & Pamela Gibson, and the mystical priestess of BLM herself, Patrisse Cullers. Books by each of these woke revolutionaries are listed on the Andrews Diversity ( anti-racist page as—wait for it—recommended reading.

Critical Race Theory is infused with the academic pessimism of the Left, the identitarian racial pessimism of black nationalists, and the spiritual pessimism of black nationalist theology. It exists in a perpetual state of envy & bitterness and its exceptionalism is rooted in its victimhood (James 3:14-18). It needs white people as an ultimate enemy whose existence justifies it’s generational bitterness.

Suburban liberal housewives reading Robin DiAngelo, post-Adventist universities celebrating their theocratic wokeness, and Pepsi struggle sessions forcing employees to acknowledge the conspiracy theory of systemic racism are just striving to atone for America’s “original sin”, bitterly codified in the 1619 Project. And if they resemble a cult, it’s because civil rights has now moved from the legal to the spiritual.

There is no room for a racial theocracy in America, not in our colleges, our institutions, or our Church. Its existence is a declaration of war on not only our past, but our present and our future. And now it has entered certain Adventist Colleges.

I’d go somewhere else.


“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2)