Village Church Posts Strong Pro-Life Message

The Village SDA Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan, has posted a strong plea to its membership and other Michiganders to vote against Ballot Proposal 3, which would enshrine a constitutional right to abortion in the Michigan state constitution. The measure purports to allow the state to regulate abortion after “viability,” the time when the child can live separately outside the womb, but this ignores the scientific fact that the child is a unique human being from the moment of conception. The measure also has a “mental health” exception, which would swallow any rule the state might legislate against post-”viability” abortions.

The plea is delivered by Dr. Michael Hess, MD, an associate pastor at the Village Church (Ron Kelly is the senior pastor):

“The entire Christian religion is about the triumph of life over death . . .Scripture clearly states that God hates the hands that shed innocent blood. We are duty bound by the laws of nature and nature’s God to stand for the weak, the defenseless, and the innocent. . . . What is more innocent and helpless than an unborn child?”

“From the moment of conception there is a new human life, unique and valuable. From the beginning, it is separate from its mother, developing its own immune system, its own circulation, its own brain, all protected within the womb of its mother. And the mother’s body is uniquely designed to protect and nurture that new life, which is separate from yet within her own body.”

“The founding documents of our American government recognized our God-given rights, and that among these are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With rights come responsibilities. Reproductive rights are inseparably linked to reproductive responsibilities. When two humans exercise the right to join together and create a life, it is incumbent upon them both to take the responsibility to care for that little baby human.”

“Our system of government is designed so that we the people have the right to vote and to govern ourselves. With that right comes the responsibility to govern well, to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God.”

“In the state of Michigan today there is a proposal, number 3 on the ballot. This proposal would enshrine in the Michigan Constitution the so-called ‘right’ to an abortion, and other so called ‘reproductive rights.’ This is reprehensible.”

“It is our moral obligation as people of faith, and hope, and love to do whatever we can to prevent this miscarriage, no, this abortion, of justice. I trust that you will join me on November 8 in fulfilling our responsibility as citizens of this great nation by going to the polls to cast your ballot for life. Vote “NO” on Proposal 3.”

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. . . . Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:13-16