Georgia Cumberland Responds to The Richard Rohr Event on Crosswalk Website

The Crosswalk Church removed the Rohr event from their website, acknowledged that it happened in a podcast and blamed Fulcrum7 for reporting on it. This is called damage control, in the corporate world. Blame someone else, and say ‘Nothing to see here.’

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The Frog in The Pot, PUC Nominates Female For Union Secretary

The fact that Sandra Roberts has allowed herself to be ordained in violation of mutually agreed-on church policy shows that she is unfit to serve as secretary of the Union where her job description is to support church policy.

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Beyond WO: The West is Grossly Over Represented In GC EXCOM

Still, God is gracious. During all these quarreling years our Church has been growing for five years in a row with more than 3,500 new members a day ... exclusively in Third World countries and not in the West!

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