Taking Advantage of Covid Distraction, Liberals Continue to Push WO

In contrast with the story of Abraham's faithfulness and the words of commendation spoken of him, is the record of Eli who kept his sons in office while they were committing great iniquity. Here is a lesson for parents [and leaders].

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Pope Francis Voices Support For Same-Sex Civil Unions

“Homosexual people have a right to be in a family. They are children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it,” Francis said in a documentary, called “Francesco,

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AdventHealth Donates $1,000,000 To Gay Nightclub Memorial, onePulse

A portion of AdventHealth’s gift will support onePULSE Academy, a diversity and “inclusion curriculum” that will be available inside the museum, for use in schools and in corporate environments.

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Florida Hospital Children's Musical Makes a Sham Out of Bible Story

In this musical, the Prophet Daniel is portrayed as the head-banging leader of a rock band. He also ‘sings’ rap music following his deliverance from the den of lions.

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Igniting Panic With "Climate Emergencies"

Their god is Homo Progressivus, born an ape and ascending to singularity synthesis via false religion. Their heaven is a social justice dystopia where skeptics are scorned on Twitter and visited with global inquisition.

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