Day 2 of Fall Council

Today opened with a devotional by Mike Ryan.  In it, he challenged attendees to share the Everlasting Gospel no matter the cost of sharing it.

He pointed out that enemies of truth have always attacked the righteous, and God's grace would enable the righteous to withstand these attacks.  He reminded us that we don't need a degree to share the Gospel, indeed the founders of this Movement did a great work on the basis of their zeal & commitment to truth.  Very few (if any) of them had a degree.  

Next we had a presentation by David Trim on what it means to work in the cities.  Ellen White's warnings and exhortations regarding cities were considered in their context of morality and vision of taking the Three Angel's Messages to the world.  There was much discussion on an open microphone about working in the cities. The prevailing feeling is that there is legitimate work to do in the cities, and we must be open to the Holy Spirit to instruct us when to leave.  It was acknowledged that this work is not for everyone.

Elder Wilson's Sabbath sermon tomorrow will focus on our mission to the entire world, including the cities of earth.

Elder Wilson reminded us of our mission to the world, and expressed hope that the Church business items on Monday would not obscure our focus on the world-wide mission that God has called us to.

The first business session begins on Sunday.  On Monday, the Unity and Reconciliation business will be addressed.  See item #120 in the Agenda (Procedures for Reconciliation and Adherence).

Let us pray for the attendees of Annual Council, and let us renew our commitment to sharing the precious Message that we have.

