Andrews University Employee Posts "Say His Name" Sign In Office Window

Several of the founders of BLM (Black Lives Matter) have admitted in interviews that BLM is a ‘spiritual movement’; furthermore, they describe the ritual incantations that they use to invoke demonic powers in BLM.

"Patrice Cullors (of BLM) also admits that the very first thing BLM leaders do when they hear of a “murder” is to pray to the spirits and “pour libation.” Again, she emphasized, this is not just about “racial and social justice.” “At its core, it’s a spiritual movement,” she continued. “You can’t pretend like that work is just organizing work. That’s, you know, that’s some serious stuff.”

The whole “say his name” mantra also has deep spiritual significance, according to Cullors. “When we say the names, right, so we speak their names, we say her name, say their names, we do that all the time that, you kind of invoke that spirit, and then those spirits actually become present with you,” she explained, revealing something that virtually none of the “useful idiots” attending BLM rallies understand.

“Spirituality is at the center of Black Lives Matter, and I think that’s not just for us, I feel like so many, um, leaders and so many organizers, um, are deeply engaged and in a pretty, um, important spiritual practice,” Cullors continued. “I don’t think I could I could do this work without that. I don’t think I could do it as long as I’ve done it, and as consistently."

The picture below is on the side of Dining Services at Andrews University. This is an employee's office window:


Comment by a Fulcrum7 reader:

“A common denominator I've noticed is that the left takes up the cause of people who are absolutely reprehensible or otherwise criminals. The death of George Floyd, for instance, was a terrible tragedy. Law enforcement shouldn't put their knees on people's necks to subdue them unless it is in the most exigent of circumstances involving a very belligerent and dangerous criminal. Police brutality, neglect, and incompetence should definitely be addressed.

However, George Floyd was not a hero. And yet people on the left (including certain people in our church) vehemently defend him and constantly chant his name. It's wrong to take up the cause of a criminal. It's wrong to associate the name of the church with someone who had no respect for authority and was harming his body.

It's seriously creepy to see how people in our church have formed a cult of personality around George Floyd (who was a criminal) and Brionna Taylor (who willingly and knowingly dated a dangerous criminal). They regurgitate the political left's talking points that people with more melanin in their skin are somehow "oppressed" and the people with less melanin in their skin are somehow the "oppressors." It's all predicated on a sinister lie, and it represents the antithesis of Christianity.

Stunts like that do nothing to help the cause of Christ. It hinders the cause of the Gospel, and it hurts the reputation of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.

Andrews University, the only name you should say is that of Jesus Christ. To demand that people say any other name is idolatry” — Axel Garcia
