NAD Nominating Committee Meets To Select A New Executive Secretary

The North American Division Nominating Committee met via Zoom meeting today to begin the process of selecting an Executive Secretary. There are 42 members on the nominating committee, selected from individuals across the Division. They are a handpicked group, including numerous Union and Conference Presidents.

Here is a screenshot of the Zoom meeting, taken today,


 Their task is to select a name to be recommended to the NAD Executive Committee, which will then vote on the recommendation on August 18 (tomorrow). Both the standing NAD Nominating Committee and the NAD Executive Committee will be chaired by Alexander Bryant. 

On Thursday, August 20, the General Conference Executive Committee will meet to vote the name recommended by the NAD Executive Committee. The NAD executive secretary, along with the two other NAD officer positions of president and treasurer, are voted by the General Conference Executive Committee and then assigned to work for the North American Division, according to the NAD press release.

The new NAD executive secretary will join Bryant and Randy Robinson, NAD treasurer, as the leadership team of a Division with more than 1.2 million members in the countries of Bermuda, Canada, Guam, Micronesia, and the United States.


“When the righteous triumph, there is great glory, but when the unrighteous rise, men hide themselves” (Proverbs 28:12).