Actor Comes Under Fire From LGBTQ Lynch Mob

Actor Mario Lopez found himself the target of the LGBTQ lynch mob last month after making a handful of utterly reasonable comments on the Candance Owens Show, a conservative podcast, back in June.

In a discussion about the questionably sane actress Charlize Theron’s decision to raise one of her children transgender, Lopez noted that he had concerns about children who are very young choosing their own gender identity.

“I would say if you come from a place of love you really can’t go wrong,” he said. “But at the same time…if you’re three years old, you say you’re feeling a certain way or you think you’re a boy or a girl, whatever the case may be, I just think its dangerous as a parent to make that determination then, ‘Okay, you’re gonna be a boy or a girl’…I just think of the repercussions later on.”

That’s all it took.

The LGBTQ mob came gunning for Lopez first, with GLAAD accusing him of making “dangerous” statements against a “vulnerable group of children.” GLAAD helpfully offered him re-education on the issue of transgender children (or else.) The rage mob quickly followed, demanding that he be fired from his TV job and changing his Wikipedia page to read “Mario Lopez Jr. is a transphobic and misogynistic American actor.” Media outlets published blatant lies, claiming that Lopez had opposed “supporting transgender children.” In a matter of hours, Lopez faced a crisis: His comments could very well see his career burned down overnight.

Let the Groveling Commence

And so Lopez did what the mob demanded, coming out (pardon the pun) to confess that his remarks were “ignorant and insensitive” and that he now has “a deeper understanding of how hurtful they were.” Oh, please.

Additionally, Lopez noted,

“I have been and always will be an ardent supporter of the LGBTQ community, and I am going to use this opportunity to better educate myself. Moving forward I will be more informed and thoughtful.”

Lopez’s re-education was complete in short order: Grovel, or else. The totalitarianism of the LGBTQ crowd wielding the club of cultural power is so powerful that panicky celebrities thank the mobs (who are demanding that they be fired) for the “opportunity” to apologize and confess.

Never mind the obvious fact that Lopez was correct (the first time), and that the vast majority of reasonable people agree with him.

Responsible parents do not even let their three-year-old children choose their meals or their bedtimes, much less their gender. To say that a three-year-old’s claim of being the opposite gender before they can even understand what gender actually is—that is insane, it is dangerous, and it is going to destroy the young lives of a lot of children before this horrifying experiment is over. 

Merciless Madness

But there is something inherently insidious about what happened to Mario Lopez, something that everybody knows but that nobody can say out loud: Lopez probably hasn’t changed his mind on the issue. Lopez, like most Americans, probably still believes it is dangerous to take the word of a three-year-old on something that a toddler by definition cannot understand. But the LGBTQ mob presented him with a choice: Confess your sin, show your penitence, and we won’t destroy your career. And so he could stick to his guns and end up with his head on a stick, or he could give them the statement they demanded and hope that his turn in the news cycle would be over quickly.

There’s something creepy about compelling panicky people to repudiate something they’ve said by blackmailing them and threatening to destroy their lives, with all the insidious sickly sweetness of a sadistic interrogator who has arrived with the sole goal of forcing you to say something you do not want to say. If you believe that little children should be left alone and permitted an uncomplicated childhood unpoisoned by the insane post-modern ideologies of their delusional parents & culture, then you must be forced to shuffle the public walk of shame while everyone screams at you—before the high priests of the LGBTQ movement will grant you absolution.

With each quarter-turn of pressure on the cultural torture rack, can you hear the eidolon shuffle of an approaching apocalyptic assassin—one who will cause all conscientious saints to be killed? (Revelation 13:15-16). Those with ears to hear, can.

Last month, it was Mario Lopez. Next week, it will be somebody new. Maybe it will be you.


“He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.  He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,  and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Revelation 13:15-17).