Progressive Adventism Is Becoming A Propaganda Party

Calling Mary an apostle to the Apostles is the result of imposing a feminist bias on Scripture. This is common among pro-WO individuals who seek to create a feminist narrative, where none exists.

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Leland Kaiser Passes Away

Do they believe in (and teach) the Three Angels’ Messages, or are they seduced by the tinsel & glitter of progressive spirituality? Let us hold them accountable, in truth and love ”considering ourselves lest we also be tempted.”

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Founder Of Queer Theology Says Jesus Is Polyamorous

Polyamory is schizophrenic lust. There is nothing loving about it. This perversion of marriage is confirmation that “every intention of the thoughts of our hearts is only evil continually.”

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Walla Walla University Church Listed On Progressive Spirituality Site

Down through the ages, wise men have stood upon the calm interlude between the past and the future and wondered "What will that falling away be like?  When will it happen?"

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