NAD Sympathizers Shut Down Motion From Young Adult At Year End Meeting

Good day, Lads!  The Mouse`ere, awakening from a glorious nap to address the Adventist deep state. 

It has been brought to my attention by my older (and somewhat larger) cousin Church Hamster, that a fine motion--made at the N.A.D. Year End meetings--was colluded against by the inglorious Adventist Fifth Column (AFC).  Here's what happened yesterday.

A splendid young chap from Canada (Daniel Cho), introduced a motion at the meeting that the NAD would bring the wayward Unions (Columbia and Pacific) into compliance with the 2015 World Church Decision through appropriate accountability measures.  Or perhaps state why they are unwilling to do so.  It's an outstanding suggestion, and one that should have been voluntarily implemented by the NAD years ago!  


Now you would expect that a Church that prattles on about listening to the young people, would jump at the chance to affirm this reasonable suggestion.  But that isn't what happened.

A few minutes later, after a call for prayer, three individuals approach the chairman, Dan Jackson, and confer with him behind the table, whispering together.  Two of them kneel down as if to conceal their collusion.  There is something extremely ominous about church wire-pullers colluding to further an agenda while the people are praying.  I dare say it is symbolic.


After a couple minutes of whispered conversation, the three men leave.  One of the three men conferring with Dan Jackson (GC treasurer Juan Prestol-Puesân) goes to the microphone, and is recognized by the chair.  Juan Prestol-Puesân makes a motion to table Daniel Cho's motion and is immediately seconded.   


Dan Jackson announces that there will be no discussion allowed on the motion to table.  The vote to table the motion passes by 186 to 25 with 3 abstentions.  All this happens within the short time span of about fourteen minutes.  The young man's motion is massacred by NAD (and WO) sympathizers.  It is most disturbing to watch these high hat blighters take the Mickey out of this fine young man from Canada.

As you can see in the video, the three chaps who collude with Dan Jackson are:

  • Juan Prestol-Puesân  (GC Treasurer)
  • Karnik Doukmetzian  (GC and NAD Legal Counsel)
  • Artur Stele  (General Vice President of the GC)

All three of these individuals are employed by the GC and presumably paid by tithe dollars.  Under the circumstances, we ought to expect them to defend the decisions of the SDA World Church and be loyal to the GC where they are employed.  It's a nice thought, me lads, but that loyalty is about as murky as a septic tank outside a bean & cheese factory in Mexico! 

As we see, the young man with the motion was neutralized by an Adventist Fifth Column.  I don't know about you chaps, but I am quite put out with these calculated shenanigans to silence fellow church members.  It's time to take our church back.  


