The Catholic Roots of Social Justice: The Vatican and the CCP

“China truly is the best implementer of social justice and the common good! “

In my previous articles, I have shown how the Social Justice movements are really and truly Catholic and a product of the counter-reformation. I showed how the Vatican views China as the best implementer of the “Common Good.”

 The person who made that opening statement was American economist Jeff Sachs who also stated “The United States will no longer be relevant.”  It is clear what the Vatican wants to carry out for the world.  How exactly, though, does China carry out the “Common Good?”  


There are many points which The Chinese Communist Party and the Vatican have in common. You will discover exactly what the “Common Good” looks like. These two systems are the practical and visible model of what the social justice movement is leading to.  


The first point is that they both are champions of totalitarianism. China has implemented a social credit score, which is based on how well one behaves according to the communist party. This is no different than how Rome acted during the middle ages; the more work you did for the church, the more privileges you would gain while in Heaven, avoiding purgatory.

According to the Chinese social credit score, if one is not behaving like a good citizen, he or she would have less internet privileges. This should come to no surprise, as Rome has aligned itself with many oppressive powers as this quote implies: 

“For today Rome considers the Fascist regime the nearest to its dogmas and interest.  We have not merely the Reverend [Jesuit] Father Coughlin praising Mussolini’s Italy as ‘a Christian democracy,’ but Civilta Cattolica, house organ of the Jesuits, says quite frankly…  ‘Fascism is the regime that corresponds most closely to the concepts of the Church of Rome.’ — Pierre Van Paassen, Days of our Years, HillmanCurl, p. 465.

The dark ages of 1260 years also shows the tyrannical nature of the Vatican. 

Enemies of Free Speech

Another commonality between China and the Vatican is how they both are enemies of free speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of worship If they allowed these freedoms, they would not be in total control.  China has been recently cracking down on free speech in universities.  

Surveillance State

The third commonality is that both have their spying systems, and both have their people in influential places. Rome has its politicians throughout the western world. Ellen White says this about Roman Catholic politicians, uplifting popery above freedom, 

“Though they may take the oath pledging their loyalty to the state, yet back of this lies the vow of obedience to Rome, absolving them from every pledge inimical to her interests” (Great Controversy page 580).

China also has many allies and spy networks, using honey traps, brides, infiltration. Before the fall of the Soviet Union, the Communists had the KGB, while now China has its “Ministry of Security.” The Vatican has societies such as the Jesuits, Knights of Columbus, and Knights of Malta at the Pope’s disposal. 

Enemies of Capitalism (the free market)

The fourth commonality is that both the Vatican and China are enemies of Protestantism and capitalism. Why? Because capitalism and Protestantism guarantee freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of political preferences, and individualism. If both these systems want total control they must get rid of such freedoms. They also seek to re-distribute wealth to the world—which really will do more harm than good. 


The fifth commonality is that both systems are opposed to God. Communist countries are sincere and thus they openly oppose God, since Communism is atheistic. The Papacy opposes God while at the same time professing His name and doing good works for Him (2 Thessalonians 2:4). The Bible says:  

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God” (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).

The Pope opposes God while claiming to be God himself, changing the Ten Commandments, claiming to forgive sins, changing the Sabbath to Sunday, and allowing the worship of idols. Communism opposes God by saying that God doesn’t exist. Here is a quote from Karl Marx himself, 

“Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions.  It is the opium of the people.”

Communism puts the state in the place of God, while the Papacy places to the pope in the place of God. The Papacy is much more dangerous, as it disguises itself from its true roots and intentions.  

The Poor

The sixth commonality is both communism and the Papacy's claim to provide for the needs of poor people. Both have a terrible record in both areas. Both thrive in places of extreme poverty. We can simply look at Rome during the 1260 years to see how many were steeped in ignorance, war, and disease. Social unrest and persecution thrived. The Cathedral of Notre Dame was funded and built, but at the cost of the needy. In Latin America, the Papacy has dominated that area for almost 500 years, but many come in caravans to America for a better life. Yet the governing classes live at a higher standard in luxury. The Pope seeks to cloak true nature of the Papacy. Both spend a lot of money on public relations gurus.  

Murderous Systems

The seventh commonality is that both systems are stained in blood. Xi Jiping and Mao have killed many, many people directly or indirectly. Even now Muslims are being held in concentration camps, amid claims of organ harvesting, and brutal suppression of dissidents such as Tibetans, Muslims, and Christians. The Papacy has done the same as well, historians project that the Vatican has killed somewhere from about 50-80 million people for crimes such as religious dissent. Those who called for reforms, or protested against it were often the first to be slain. 

The last commonality is that both are in the Bible. Militant atheism/Communism is the beast from the bottomless pit, which we still see happening in our day and age. And the Papacy is the first beast of Revelation 13, described in its rise to power. 

Communist China was a product of Karl Marl who was influenced by the French Revolution. Paris, France became a center of socialist thought.  

Now you may be saying “Wow, good observations! But China and the Vatican are not connected in any way.”

Evidence is to the contrary. Karl Marx was accused of working with the Superior general of the Jesuits by Otto Von Bismark. There seems to be a clear alliance between the Vatican and the left-leaning Democrats.

In September, Pope Francis rejected meeting Mike Pompeo in favor of renewing a 2018 deal about the Vatican and China. Could it be possible that Catholicism will be the only religion allowed in China? This has happened before when Rome stirred China against Sabbath keeping Christians known as the “Taiping Revolutionaries.”

The ultimate goal of the Vatican is to carry out a global Sunday law. That is why Pope Francis and the Jesuits have united with green socialist groups more than any Pope in any other time. It's possible that we can see Communist atheistic China Implement a Sunday law through uniting on these points of the common good and other movements. 


God’s people have failed to realize what it means to unite with the social justice movements, and BLM. Is this the common good that the Vatican was speaking about?

Ask yourself, do you want the United Nations, and BLM, which favors a system such as Communist China to control your life?

Do you want Pope Francis to redistribute your wealth? We know that Roman Catholic ‘common good’ eliminates the middle class. These ideologies make everyone else poor while the ruling class dominates. 

Will you unite yourself with such movements? Is participating in these movements the work of God? Is this the biblical reparations Ellen White spoke about?

Let us stick to the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy and let us expose the deceptions that are invading Adventism, Protestantism, and Christianity!



Carlos has been through Morton Ranch High School and Public School most of his life, and went to Jefferson Christian Academy to finish his schooling.  He is a Graduate of the SALT Program by It Is Written and Southern Adventist University. He is currently a student at Ouachita Hills College.