Liberty and Health Alliance has just published an appeal to the church. Read it HERE
The signatures are not made public. But the universe is watching. And the fact that one’s action is registered in heaven is enough to move most of us to take our stand for truth in these apocalyptic times in earth’s history.
Thank you for taking the time to consider these eight reasons to sign at
1. Unity. Since vaccines have become a divisive issue, let us put these challenges behind us and move forward in our mission together. The inclusive path to unity is for the church organization to revert to neutrality on vaccines (silence is golden) and to positively affirm liberty of conscience.
2. Third Angel's Message. If we fail to preach liberty of conscience, including a free-will choice to accept righteousness by faith (‘the third angel's message in verity'), we lose the power of the third angel’s message, and instead, concede to the coercive methods of the beast.
3. Soul-winning using ‘Christ's Method Alone.’ Many have been brought into the truth in recent years through the Spirit-filled preaching and work of those defending the defenseless during the repressive times of Covid.
4. Present Truth. Since the world is presently reading a false representation of our message publicly proclaimed (‘claims of religious liberty are not used appropriately when objecting to mandates') we want to see our church websites accurately reflect what we believe as a church.
5. Reconciliation and Healing. Since many have been harmed by the vaccine statements made by their church leadership (vaccine exemption requests denied, employment lost, etc.), we should seek to mediate the healing process by encouraging mutual forbearance, forgiveness, proper apologies, and reconciliation.
Real compassion for those in our own church who have been harmed by the vaccine statements will go a long ways in giving a voice and a home to any who are discouraged and are tempted to leave.
6. Integrity. For years we have asked, how can we preach the Ten Commandments when our own institutions have violated the Sixth Commandment in taking the lives of unborn babies?
Now we ask, how can we preach against mark-of-the-beast mandates when we publicly oppose religious liberty claims against vaccine mandates?
In other words, credibility to speak against the coercion of the beast in our evangelism is undermined when we fail to consistently apply the principle of religious liberty when other issues like vaccine mandates arise.
7. Proper Church-state Relations. Since the body is a temple, and we are called to offer our bodies as living sacrifices in our spiritual act of worship, the Bible teaches that how we treat our bodies is a matter of worship. And worship choices are not within Caesar’s domain.
When we teach, contrary to Scripture, that the body ought to be rendered unto Caesar ('it's a public health issue not a religious liberty issue’), we invert the Savior's beautiful and clear teaching on worship to God and the limits of Caesar's domain.
That which bears Caesar’s image should be rendered unto Caesar, but that which bears God’s image belongs to God alone.
8. Independence. Public opinion surveys in America have revealed a flip in confidence in public health authorities from 70% trust to only 30% trust. The church should be separate from the state, so that confidence in the church does not rise and fall with the shifting of the political sands. We must avoid all unholy alliances, whether they be with the United Nations, Rome, big pharma, etc.
Conclusion: Hastening the Lord's Return.
When the unified church of God reflects the character of Christ, He will come to claim her as His own. We can reflect His character and hasten this blessed hope through confession of sins against each other, extending forgiveness to each other from our hearts, teaching and using God's methods rather than the beast's methods, caring for the marginalized, and preaching liberty of conscience as an essential prerequisite of the third angel's message.
The Ritz
Scott Ritsema is the founder and director of Belt of Truth Ministries and Media on the Brain. He lives in Lakeview Michigan with his wife Cami and three amazing children!