If The Light That Is In You Is Rainbow Colored . . .

A new Bible app created for "outsiders" claims to be the first LGBT Bible app.  Here's their website announcement:

  • Your own library of progressive devotionals (pro women, pro LGBT, inclusive of other faiths etc).
  • Chat with community or just your friends
  • Choose your favorite bible (MSG, NLT, NTV)
  • Discover progressive authors, podcasts, videos & more
  • Our Bible App is the first LGBT bible app. Creating devotionals for progressive Christians we uplift believers of ALL stripes. 

  • Let people know you've found the first LGBTQ Bible app and help build the worldwide community of progressive believers.

This app represents another uprising of mystical spirituality and widespread sexual license.  It blends, once again, feminism and homosexuality.  That's bad enough, but it gets worse.

The development team is behind this 'app' is comprised of 60% Adventist/ex-Adventist children and an agnostic editor.  Something has gone wrong with us when Andrews University alumni can help build such things, and actually believe that they are right in doing so.


"If the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness" (Matthew 6:23).